Schooling in NSW is based on the mandatory NSW syllabuses for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. The syllabuses are developed and endorsed by the New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA).
There are seven Key Learning Areas taught from Kindergarten to Year 6:
The syllabus for each of the Key Learning Areas has been developed by NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority), with the exception of Religious Education, which is set by the Diocese. As a Catholic school, Religious Education is both a Key Learning Area and integral to our way of life. All students participate in the Catholic Religious Education Program, and an acknowledged willingness to commit to this mission and the ethos of a Catholic primary school is essential.
You can visit the NESA website for more information on the NSW syllabuses or view the Parents Guide to the NSW Primary Syllabus for examples of what your child may learn.
St Francis Xavier provides students with a safe and supportive learning environment with innovative learning experiences. We foster within each student the ability to grow and develop the skills necessary to adapt to an ever-changing world. This is all underpinned by the Catholic ethos of leadership, responsibility, duty and dignity towards others.
We embrace the use of technology to enhance and support student learning across various grade levels and subjects. Technology can be a powerful tool to engage students, promote collaboration, and provide access to a wide range of resources and learning opportunities to prepare children for the world of tomorrow. Students from Kinder to Year 4 have one to two access to an iPad with a keyboard. Students in Years 5 and 6 have access to a one-to-one laptop device.
We are committed to excellence and equality in the growth and development of all students as lifelong learners who are actively engaged with a passionate curiosity and wonder about the world. We also acknowledge the importance of learning another language, and so from 2024, all students will have the opportunity to learn a language at St Francis Xavier.
At St Francis Xavier, we recognise the many benefits of music in positively impacting academic performance, language acquisition, social skill development, creativity and wellbeing. In addition to music lessons delivered as part of the Creative Arts syllabus, we offer:
We value and prioritise differentiation in the classroom to meet the diverse needs of our students. Differentiation refers to tailoring instruction, learning activities, and assessments to accommodate the individual strengths, interests, and learning styles of each student.
We recognise and value high-performance learners, those students who demonstrate exceptional abilities and excel academically. We are committed to providing an environment that nurtures and supports their unique needs and challenges them to reach their full potential. To meet the needs of high-performance learners, we offer an enrichment program in partnership with St John Paul College, Coffs Harbour. This program allows students to delve deeper into subjects, explore complex concepts and engage in critical and creative thinking.