Our Parish
St Francis Xavier Primary School is part of St Augustine's Parish, Coffs Harbour, in the Lismore Diocese. The Parish serves the people and needs of the surrounding towns, villages and districts, north to Corindi, west to Glenreagh, with the southern boundary at St John Paul College. The Parish has churches at Woolgoolga, Glenreagh, Coramba and Coffs Harbour.
Class Mass/Liturgies
Students are provided with regular opportunities to participate in worship, with classes attending the Parish Mass once per term, in addition to whole school masses and liturgies at school celebrating special events. Our priests, Acting Parish Administrator Fr Joe D'Souza and Assistant Priests Fr Joy D'Souza and Fr Peter Rebello, regularly visit our school to talk to staff and students and participate in school events.
Parish Mass
We believe our school is an active part of the Body of Christ manifested in the parish community of St Augustine's, Coffs Harbour. Our school actively encourages its students, parents, carers, families, and staff to be involved in parish life and to adopt ministry roles where possible. On the Saturday preceding the first Sunday of the month during school terms, the school takes responsibility for the various ministries of the Mass. This includes Proclaiming the Word, leading the music and hosting morning tea after Mass. All members of the community are invited and welcome to attend Mass.
More information, including Mass times, can be found on the Parish website.